Recovery Curriculum
Rationale: Children returning to school following lockdown have experienced loss (routine, freedom, relationships, social interaction, structure) and have lived through a collective trauma.
The intention of a Recovery Curriculum is to provide opportunities to rebuild relationships and a sense of community, space to establish a sense of [awareness of] self and to relearn positive habits for learning skills. The focus will be gently returning to some semblance of routine whilst enabling play, outdoor exploration and physical development & mindfulness meditations. This Recovery Curriculum is based on the 5 Levers:
Relationships - build up/upon these to cushion the discomfort of returning.
Community - listen to what has happened, engage in transition of learning back into the school community
Transparent Curriculum - be explicit about addressing the gaps so they feel secure that something is being done about the lost time in learning.
Metacognition - supporting children to relearn, think, learning how to learn and build a sense of awareness
Space - provide opportunity to rediscover self, cultivate awareness/mindfulness, find their voice in learning & exploration.
Taken from a think piece by Barry Carpenter, CBE, Professor of Mental Health in Education, Oxford Brookes University, UK &
Matthew Carpenter, Principal, Baxter College, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, UK
Click here for a link to the NHS 5 Principles of Wellbeing: Socialise Move Interest Learning Engage.