Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together


Ensuring that all our children become 'Community Contributors' is one of our 5 curriculum drivers. At Stanton St Quintin Primary School we feel it is important that pupils are provided with an education that prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.  

 Click here for PSHE & RSE Long Term Plan

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education at Stanton is taught to all children, using the Coram Life: SCARF program of study, which is both engaging and informative. We endeavour to ensure that children have the skills to be responsible and informed citizens who are aware of their own and others emotional and physical needs.  Children at Stanton are taught to respect and value individuals and treat everyone equally.  They have an awareness of British Values and through Religious Education, an understanding of and respect for other religions and beliefs.  We teach children how to be responsible for their health and wellbeing, giving them the skills to support their emotional and physical needs as they approach adolescence.

Lessons are tailored to the children's ages and needs.  Children are encouraged to share their ideas and feelings if they wish to, with teachers creating a safe, trusting and supportive environment.  PSHE is taught discretely once a week, with additional lessons provided should children require it.  Our school ethos promotes a culture of support and trust at Stanton, meaning that PSHE is not seen as a one off lesson, but rather an ongoing discussion and way of life at Stanton; we investigate a topic within lessons and continue to discuss and explore it throughout the week through our termly values, assemblies and day to day conversations.

Recent visit from St Johns Ambulance

May be an image of 9 people, ambulance and text

Relationships and Sex Education

The objective of relationships and sex education is to help and support young people through their physical, emotional and moral development. RSHE will promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils in our school and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Pupils will be encouraged to talk openly and their questions answered appropriately and honestly in a way that respects diversity of cultures and family forms.

We aim to ensure that pupils:

  • develop confidence in talking, listening and thinking about feelings and relationships.

  • develop their self esteem and sense of responsibility.

  • are able to name parts of the body and describe how their bodies work.

  • can protect themselves and ask for help and support.

  • are prepared for puberty.

A copy of the policy can be found below