Our curriculum intent is underpinned by our vision,
'To motivate, educate and nurture'
Our curriculum is designed to recognise pupil’s prior learning, provide quality learning experiences for all, allow pupils to develop their knowledge and skills, build resilience and become responsible citizens. We foster an ethos of high expectations, aspirations and challenge for all. Pupils with additional needs are supported within their learning, so that they are able to access the curriculum, thus ensuring that they are in receipt of a broad and balanced curriculum.
Our curriculum has been carefully developed to ensure that all pupils develop key skills and knowledge, in order to become effective learners.
Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum 2014. However, we recognise that every pupil is an individual and we celebrate the differences within our school community. We also understand the need to provide our pupils with a curriculum that provides them with experiences that will help them to overcome barriers, address issues faced within the local community and to become lifelong learners.
With this in mind, we have identified five curriculum drivers that underpin our curriculum, in line with our school’s vision and aims, thus responding to the particular needs of the community (see link below for more details). Our curriculum also develops Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural aspects, along with our School Values and British Values.
From our long term plans, the curriculum is structured and sequenced through Unit Plans for foundation subjects which outline the progression of knowledge and skills, key vocabulary and links learning to other curriculum areas. We have called these Unit Plans our ‘ROLOS’ for pupils to - Remembering Our Learning and Our Skills). We have identified the most important knowledge or concepts that pupils need to know and we focus on these. Knowledge organisers support key learning for pupils.
At Stanton, through the delivery of our curriculum we are enabling pupils to gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they need for the future. Planned learning progressively builds on prior knowledge and understanding and supports pupils to know more and remember more.
The impact of our curriculum is evident in the outcomes for pupils and the high quality of work produced.
Our assessment framework is utilised by the staff and the pupils to reflect on the progress that is being made over time. Senior Leaders evaluate progress that has been made and the impact of the curriculum to ensure that all pupils are prepared for the next stage of their learning.
How do we ensure children know more and remember more?
Click here for more details
Further information regarding our curriculum can be found under the links to the right and below.