Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Schools Accessibility Plan

Our Inclusion Vision… for every pupil in our school to achieve the most successful individual outcomes, educationally, socially, in their personal life, and within their local community, and for their unique needs to be recognised and met as early as possible.  Our Accessibility Plan intends to achieve this vision by empowering these children and young people to achieve all that they can.

Our aim is for every child and young person to:

We believe that our parents, carers and school should work together to provide the best and most accessible opportunities for our pupils, and we will do all we can to ensure that any barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude are removed.

Our Accessibility Plan is split into the following areas

Access to Curriculum                                                                                                           

Access to Environment                                                                                                        

Cognition and learning

Communication and interaction

Behaviour, Emotional and Social development