Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Trip to Stonehenge

Amazon had a great time at Stonehenge!

Not even the rain got us down! We set off at 8.30 and arrived at Stonehenge at around 10.00. We soon met our guides Margaret and Sharon who showed us to a warm (and dry) Education Room before we set of like intrepid explorers for our first view of the stones.

As the stones came into view, we learned all about the burials mounds or barrows that abound in the landscape around Stonehenge. Once at the stones we learned how the ditch, which used to be a lot deeper and wider then it is today, was dug using animal antlers and bones. Stone age man would have used a cow's scapula as a spade!

Stonehenge is made up of two types of stone: Bluestone from Wales and the Sarsen stones from the Marlborough Downs. We learned how the stones got to the site (men pulled them on logs!) and that they are sunk into holes in the ground. Some of the stones have about a third of their height underground!

We then went back to have our lunch before looking around the exhibition and the Neolithic houses. These houses were made of wattle and daub and had thatched roofs.

Before long it was time to get back on the coach. We soon got back to school and decided we had learned a lot and had a great day.

Thanks to Amazon class for being so well behaved and to Mrs Austin, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Stinchcombe for their help on the day.


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