Monday 11th December
We are planning to open as usual. Please bring wellies, waterproofs, hat and gloves - just in case there is still snow on the field. See you soon!
Hot off the press!
All the latest news from Stanton St Quintin School.
We are planning to open as usual. Please bring wellies, waterproofs, hat and gloves - just in case there is still snow on the field. See you soon!
Should the school need to make an emergency closure due to severe weather conditions, then we will aim to inform parents through a number methods. Firstly , the school will contact the local radio stations - BBC Radio Wiltshire and Heart FM.
The school will also post a message on the school's website.
The school will also aims to contact parents via Parent Pay. However, as many other schools will possibly notifying parents through this route the information may not come through as quickly as the Radio and School Website.
Please read the following important information to enable texts to be received via ParentPay.
A fantastic array of socks were on display on Monday as the school wore odd and wacky socks in support of Anti Bullying Week.
KS2 extra curricular actvities include Lacrosse. Lacrosse is a team sport that develops ball skills include scooping, passing, catching, cradling and shooting. Lacrosse is also a very physical sport and requires an understanding of checking and dodging techniques. It is great to see the children enjoying keeping healthy and learning new skills.
Well done to Rhine Class for their superb class assembly today, sharing with us just some of their memories from last weeks residential trip to the Isle of Wight.
We look forward to seeing you at our Harvest Service at St Giles Church tomorrow at 9.30am. Refreshments will be available in the church from 9.00am after drop off. The school is still collecting items for the Swindon Filling Station. Thanking you in anticipation for your support.