Sports Partnership Newsletter
Hot off the press!
Hot off the press!
All the latest news from Stanton St Quintin School.
Hot off the press!
Huge congratulations to Stanton pupils on coming 1st in the Wiltshire Matheletics Competition with the highest average point score.
We were thrilled to receive a very special certificate in assembly today, to celebrate this amazing achievement. We are so proud of the children and it was delight to see their enthusiasm for learning in Maths.
Thank you to Tommy who received the award on behalf of the school, as he was the Top Mathelete in the school with an amazing 26,361 points.
Thank you to everyone - we could not have done it without you all displaying such motivation and working together.
On Friday, Stanton's Tag Rugby Squad took part in the Chippenham Tag Rugby Festival. Out of the 20 teams that took part from both village and town schools, Stanton won the competition! This means that we are now through to the Level 3 stage of the tournment which will take place early next term. It goes without saying this is a fantastic achievement. Special thanks to Mr Moles for giving up his time to run the team and also to Jack for working behind the scenes organising practice sessions, kit and squad information.
It's the last day and we have till 7pm tonight to get as many points as we can.
Keep up the fanastic work!
We are very proud to share two letters that have arrived in school in recent weeks, congratulating the school on it's attainment and progress.
The first came from Alan Stubbersfield, Interim Director Education and Skills:
Congratulations on your school’s performance
At present, the responsibilities for educational excellence as set out in section 13A of the Education Act 1996, remain with the local authority. That duty states that a local authority must exercise its education functions with a view to promoting high standards. As well as taking swift and effective action when underperformance occurs in a maintained school, local authorities should encourage good and outstanding maintained schools to take responsibility for their own improvement and to support other schools, and enable other schools to access such support.
I would, therefore, like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the recently validated outcomes achieved by your pupils in 2017, which are amongst the best primary schools in Wiltshire.
It is very positive to see that you have risen to the challenge of higher expectations with 83% of your pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics combined. It is also good to see that 17% are achieving at a higher standard and that pupil progress is well above the national average for reading, writing and mathematics.
We appreciate that these very good outcomes are due to the sustained commitment, hard work and success of your staff, governors and pupils and recognise that they could not have been achieved without your effective leadership and determination to remain focused on school improvement through a period of challenging change.
I would like to offer my thanks to you and all at your school for your pursuit of the highest standards of educational achievement. I would also ask you to consider how you could work closely with other schools to ensure the very best education for every pupil in Wiltshire and give each child the opportunity to fulfill their potential.
Yours sincerely
Alan Stubbersfield
Interim Director Education and Skills
The cold weather didn't put the children off coming back to school yesterday evening for Stories at Bedtime.