Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together

Welcome Back Everyone!

What a busy, busy week for us all. On Tuesday the NSPCC will be joining Stanton to lead workshops and assemblies.  At 2.00-3.00pm a special Online Safety Workshop for parents will take place in Nile Class. We look forward to seeing you then.


Following this, Edward and Ward will be hosting a new menu taster session in the school hall.

On Thursday the Kakatsitsi drummers and dancers will be visiting school. Dance and drumming workshops will take place first thing followed by a performance to the whole school. If any parents you like to join us for the performance at 11am we would love to see you.  

On Friday, we are having a non uniform day and bake sale to raise funds for the NSPCC. Any cakes can be brought to school in the morning.

For children in Darling Class, please come to school on Friday in your PE kit in readiness for your morning of sports, remembering to bring your non uniform to get changed into afterwards.


What a first week back!