Stanton St QuintinPrimary School

Discovering Together


Well-Being and Mental Health are a big focus for us here at Stanton Primary School.

Wellbeing is about feeling good and doing (or functioning) well.

Feeling good

Feelings of happiness, contentment, enjoyment, curiosity and engagement are characteristic of someone who has a positive experience of their life.

Functioning well

Experiencing positive relationships, having some control over one’s life and having a sense of purpose are all important attributes of wellbeing. Wellbeing is important for everyone

Useful websites:

Place 2 Be parenting Smart




Childline’s website has a useful ‘calm down’ zone, with activities which aim to help children feel better when they are feeling anxious, scared or sad. The ideas include breathing exercises, a ‘let it go’ box and creating a ‘sense drawer’.

A Million and Me:

‘As part of BBC Children In Need's national programme around children and young people's mental health, we're developing support for parents and carers of 8 to 13 year olds.’  Look at this website for more information: 

This website gives tips to parents to help their child with transition to secondary school:

Be Your Best website

Supporting the family to eat better and move more. 


Every mind matters.png

Mental Wellbeing While Staying At Home | Every Mind Matters | One You (





Supporting your child during the coronavirus pandemic (